Sunday, June 14, 2009

Prius Anyone

Have you ever come across a line of Prius's it's very very weird (or eco-friendly..non gas guzzlers), especially in the financial district of NYC... One in a million pictures that you take with you just had to be captured..sorry.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fall Out Shelter

McAlister House was once...probably still is a Fall Out Shelter, like as in nuclear warfare..WWIIIish....interesting right! I bet it's now a subletted apartment building for writers and artists willing to share floorspace..

Friday, June 12, 2009

the New Museum

While this wacky modern...and i mean MODERN museum is awesome but weird....more importantly it's free on Thursdays. What's there not to love.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


hawaii in nyc!!!!

So what if it's a restaurant store in the lower east side that's never's nice to see...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I walked past a Cappuccino store and saw a cat sleeping in the window, the weird part about it was IT WAS A CAPPUCCINO store....not one that serves Cappuccino, but sells the Cappuccino maker and parts and who goes there~!!!! And it was closed and there was a cat sleeping in the window, sketchy to say the least.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Crazy People - part 1

"Weird" just is the best way to put it, for those people in NYC that act like they're from some other planet...lets just call them "Crazy." Weird is a bit better than normal in my opinion, but these non-eccentric people are just down right crazy. On a hot nearly summer day this Merlin, Magician, 80's rapper, pimp look-a-like was out and about, scaring one kid at a time....