Sunday, June 14, 2009

Prius Anyone

Have you ever come across a line of Prius's it's very very weird (or eco-friendly..non gas guzzlers), especially in the financial district of NYC... One in a million pictures that you take with you just had to be captured..sorry.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fall Out Shelter

McAlister House was once...probably still is a Fall Out Shelter, like as in nuclear warfare..WWIIIish....interesting right! I bet it's now a subletted apartment building for writers and artists willing to share floorspace..

Friday, June 12, 2009

the New Museum

While this wacky modern...and i mean MODERN museum is awesome but weird....more importantly it's free on Thursdays. What's there not to love.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


hawaii in nyc!!!!

So what if it's a restaurant store in the lower east side that's never's nice to see...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I walked past a Cappuccino store and saw a cat sleeping in the window, the weird part about it was IT WAS A CAPPUCCINO store....not one that serves Cappuccino, but sells the Cappuccino maker and parts and who goes there~!!!! And it was closed and there was a cat sleeping in the window, sketchy to say the least.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Crazy People - part 1

"Weird" just is the best way to put it, for those people in NYC that act like they're from some other planet...lets just call them "Crazy." Weird is a bit better than normal in my opinion, but these non-eccentric people are just down right crazy. On a hot nearly summer day this Merlin, Magician, 80's rapper, pimp look-a-like was out and about, scaring one kid at a time....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fish and Chips straight from Wimbeldon

One of the best fish and chips in NYC, A Salt & Battery cooks up London's finest dish...I noticed this place from a Bobby Flay "ThrowDown" and just had to check it out. The food was good, although Bobby is an ass (or what I hear) he definitely went for the best food out there..


Friday, June 5, 2009

Free Popsicles!

A couple was walking around the city giving away free Popsicle, the one rub was that they need a donation for their church....I guess that wasn't a bad idea, but what a way to spend a holiday, the costumes need a bit of work.....On the other hand it was for their church....thank God!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

London in Manhattan

In NYC every single building is neck to neck, shoulder to shoulder, however occasionally you'll see not so suspecting buildings. Here's one, looks like something from Pleasantville or London not the West Village.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


While most car garages are in buildings or underground, there are many in NYC that are just contraptions, like cubbyholes (like in kindgergarden) for cars, I'm sure there is something better looking in Asia, but these are definitely those weird things you see in the city.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Hate Balloons - Part 1

Why did we invent balloons, besides being absolutely worthless and stupid is there anyone who really enjoys them? I mean, come on, you like it for about 10-20 mins, then you start to play with it cause you're getting bored and before you know it, you popped it. There's this lady in the City who walks around with balloons and gives them to children, I think she does it for money, but she's more on the creepy side. She definitely gives off that, "I'm a cat lady, who just had another birthday party for one of them..."