Saturday, March 28, 2009
Grand Central
Friday, March 27, 2009
Union Square
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Music in the city: Times Square
Get out of the way guy!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Music in the City - Union Square 2
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Dog park - Union Square
Don't panic dear!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Music in the City - Union Square
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Music in the City - Saturday
Another close
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tiny Dancer
and then he ran for the subway!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Just Another Bus Ride
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring's not here yet
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It kind of sucks when you're making your way down the mountain, taking you're time, watching kids, snowboarders, idiots going past you and then...the inevitable happens...your skis stop doing what your telling them, and you fall down, and after a few tumbles and both skis flying down the hill, you regain consciousness. That part sucks, and I feel for Natasha Richardson who had a horrific accident. It's fun, dangerous...but is something everyone should not miss out on.
I recently made my way to Belleayre Mountain for a last ditch skiing effort (see pictures). The weather was in the 60's and the snow was hardly there. The trails had snow, but everything else didn't, seriously. This is not a good time to look down when on a lift, cause it's just grass and mud to break your fall. I was skiing in a 711 slushy machine, but it was great. Take a look at the pictures, now the elevation isn't all the great, but, if you look across to the other mountain, there isn't any snow...none, aside from the trails, hardly any snow could be found.
How I Met Your Mother

This is the Man version of Sex and the city (yea, really!). It's funny, raunchy, and mostly stupid, but it's a great way to rid yourself of a case of the Mondays. So Suit up and check it out!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Also, a few cool things to check out on Fridays in NYC are the MOMA, ICP, and Asia Society
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Federer and Tiger

At this time in both Federer and Woods career their dominance is declining, while Federer has already lost his No. 1 ranking, Woods is on the cusp of losing his No. 1 ranking to Sergio Garcia. This week is not only a chance to see these once in a lifetime athletes compete once again, but it's a good indication of what is to come. Both are master at winning and clearly know what it takes to get it done, but will they? A bad week means, not winning, and as Federer weeped at the Australian open, we can only imagine what it must feel like for Tiger not to win.
You're probably thinking, "Who cares," these athletes are pop culture guys that...they don't mean much. For most of you, you probably have no clue who Jack Nicklaus or Pete Sampras is, but just think....Federer and Tiger aren't just once in a decade athletes, they're once in a FOREVER!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
French Fries

After a long day of ..... a basket of fries (and a burger for some) just hits the spot, but what happens if you want to take it out? Don't fall for it...don't!!! So you order you're food and grab the bag of amazing and lovable food and you head home, once home you discover that not only are the french fries not hot, but their soggy! The wet, limp, soggy nothings that you could of gotten by stepping on a potato and eating it, has nearly ruined your already long day. If i wanted to eat soggy warm potatoes go to the upper-east side and paid 10 bucks for a few (yea it's ridiculous there), but seriously, we buy fries for the crisp, the freshness, and the salt. The biggest tragedy in the 21st century is soggy french fries. When you're craving french fries, do me a favor and eat them there. Here are a few favorite french fries places: Pommes Frites , In-n-Out, and Petey's Burger. While McDonalds, White Castle and other well known est. reign king the three small est. definitely take pride in their food. Pommes Frites is in the lower east side, and while you're expecting some snotty french chefs, you'll find some local filipinos who love there fries. They only serve fries, and have over 25 sauces. In-n-Out is West Coast Christian staple who makes everything fresh and includes bible verses on their food....seriously! Finally, Petey's Burger who recently opened in Astoria, NYC, has great food; handcut fries and greasy burgers, oh my!
Now if you decide to make your own fries, be sure to carefully cool them down. Think of them as cookies, you don't just throw piping hot cookies on top of each other, do you?! And don't under cook them, remember 21st century tragedy. Keep them warm and crisp.
While we live in a society that loves high sodium, and high cholesterol food, and with a growing issue of obesity, so please don't eat warm soggy potatoes, but if you must, do it right when cheating on your diet.
Click here for the Secert History of French Fries by Debbie Stroller of Bust magazine (FYI - great magazine)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Crazy Eyes

I just can't believe how a company that has celebrities galore at their stores, the best prices, and the most amount of stores is dying!!! It sucks, especially since Borders is one of those stores that you can spend lots of money in and not feel too guilty for indulging in their products. But it's also good, finally those small businesses like "A shop around the corner (if it existed, from You've got Mail)" or the "Strand" can clear that giant shadow Borders puts up. This Bookstore version of Walmart and Starbucks won't kill more small charming local bookstores, that is....once it's dead.
To the death of Borders!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
After realizing that you have 7 hours and 5o minutes left to go in the day, I'm sure you'll try to keep your head down and just do whatever work you can. Good try, but usually it doesn't work and when 3pm rolls around, you're counting the minutes, correction seconds. I'm sure looking at a computer screen for most of the day, is the perfect recipe to falling asleep, but do yourself a favor, turn on some music (if you can), drink lots of water, get a stress ball, and surf the web (work appropriate please). Monday will be over before you know it, and just think, after Tuesday you're half-way to the weekend (stay focused!). But once you start to realize that the weeks are getting shorter, and you can hardly remember what happened, you've just discovered that you're ultimately speeding up time, effectively killing yourself even faster. Eeekkk!! Job's don't usually suck this much.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
technology, technology, technology!

Your probably saying..."what.."
While meeting our old childhood friends on facebook, and meeting new friends on myspace we typically consider these websites as small ways of communication, but they're not. These sites are the new and improved way for you to have drinks with a friend or even go on a blind date. Just the other day I met someone at a party, soon I was there friend on one of those sites and soon we started shooting the shit. Person to person interactions are long gone.
So while increasing your amount of friends through the internet, I bet you thought that meeting someone special, or the "Special" one on a dating site as risky, pedephile filled, and pretty lame. But then why is so much social interaction done online? Why are people forming new relationships and more importantly keeping/maintaining them online.
Online dating anyone?
We as a society have decided that meeting people (in real-life) from a internet relationship as dangerous by most. Although online dating services are making millions (500 million in '04, '05), many people continue to disapprove. This kind of activity has become taboo, while facebook and myspace reign as king. It's obvious, we're hypocrites, we like technology, but we don't.
Besides online dating, another form of social interaction is texting (cell phone). Did you know that 23% of harassment crimes take place on "Cyberspace." Which begs the question, "Why do so much stuff online, even though it can be a bit dangerous, and we don't completely like it?" Is there something wrong with this picture? Or are we all just a bit scared to talk to someone face to face, and texting, facebooking and emailing is just easier, and supposedly safer.
So to sum it up, we like meeting people online, only friends though, and while it's a bit dangerous we continue to do it, but continue to think that meeting a lover online is taboo.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Where My Dumpsters At!

With the economy doing so stellar, it definitely makes living on your own quite difficult. While you’re expected to have a place to stay and clothes on your back…you’re not necessarily expected to be eating healthy. A friend of mine lives in Brooklyn and works 8-5 but lives off of cup-o-noodles, another friend lives in the Upper East side of Manhattan a-la Gossip Girl and on good days, eats a bag of spinach for lunch and dinner. With all the necessary living expenses continually occurring, what can someone do?
They can "Dumpster Dive!" This is pretty much as it sounds; you go to a dumpster, jump in, or “Dive” and find your food. The interesting thing about this is that the people that are “Dumpster Divers” aren’t always greatly in need. Metro NYC wrote an article highlighting a few individuals living and working in NYC that are trying to cut a few corners; they get all their food from dumpster diving, and we’re not talking about rotten food, but good, slightly damaged goods. A good friend of mine dumpster dives in
Trader Joes is notorious for dumping the best food in the nation, and not to mention all grocery stores do this because after all, “they’re running a business.” They could sell damaged stuff, but they don’t and they won’t.
Dumpster diving is illegal because the dumpsters are usually on private property, but there are many business that are “Dumpster friendly.”
When in doubt, DIVE!
And who would have thought that people can live quite healthy off of discarded dumpster food. I think…no, I know…we’re getting smarter!
But wait, there's more!