Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daily Thought: Bathroom Doors & Hand Shakes

Since bathrooms have doors, why do people not use them? While it's a fact that in the NYC, personal space is not really respected to much, (that is until we start talking about your shoebox sleeping quarters) I would expect that with the brilliant invention of the "Door," people would use these to create a little privacy, especially in the bathroom. This is totally not the case (at least for men). While the bathroom is more of an experience for women (fix their hair, makeup, and etc), guys pretend that the bathroom is this drive in fast food joint, and they just step in there, get what they want, then leave. And lest not forget the sink because guys don't use it, a friend once told me, "I didn't even get dirty, so why should I use it (the sink)." Speaking from all the men in the world, "I'm sorry," and the next time your about to shake a guys hand...don't. Unlike when women go to the bathroom to "Freshen up," men do the total opposite. Sorry women, you're preconcived notions about men were spot on.

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